Application: participants complete an Application Form and send it to e-mail:

The Organizing Committee will notify by e-mail the authors of accepted titles and abstracts.

Forms of Participation: report or poster

Working Languages: English

Registration Fee:

In person attendance fee - 20 EUR

In person attendance fee for PhD students - 15 EUR

Electronic participation - NO FEE

In person participants pay a registration fee using bank transfer. Bank account details below.

Not included in the registration fee: travel and accommodation, personal expenses.

Deadline for registration fee payment - 20 September 2024


Bank account in EURO

Bank name: Municipal Bank

IBAN: BG97SOMB91303460613000


Account Holder: South-West University Neofit Rilski

Payment Reference: Symposium Megalithic Monuments


Bank account in BGN (Bulgarian Lev)

Банка: Общинска банка АД

IBAN: BG62SOMB91303160613000


Титуляр: ЮЗУ "Неофит Рилски"

Oснование за плащане: Симпозиум мегалитни паметници