Prof. Vassil Markov, Dr. Sc. - Director, e-mail:, GSM: ++359 899 89 35
- Department of History of Culture. "Ancient
Cultures" - Prof. Vassil Markov Dr.Sc
- Department of Music Folklore Prof. Jordan
Goshev Dr.Sc.
- Department of Ancient Cultures and mediterranean sea
shipping - Prof. Kalin Porozhanov Dr.Sc., e-mail:
- Department of Archaeology - Assoc. Prof.
Alexey Gotsev Ph.D, e-mail:
- Department of Ethnology - Assoc. Prof. Angel
Yankov Ph.D, e-mail:
- Department Arhaeoastronomiy - Assoc. Prof.
Alexey Stoev PhD, e-mail:
- Department of Students and Doctoral Studies -
Dimitriya Spasova Ph.D, e-mail:
University Research Center for
Ancient European and easterly mediterranean cultures was created in
2008 by a decision of the Academic Council of SWU "Neophit Rilski"
- Blagoevgrad. It is a interdisciplinary university research
The construction of the center is
in line with the strategy of SWU "Neophit Rilski" is significant
and authoritative, modern, scientific-educational and
socio-cultural institution in higher education in Southwestern
Bulgaria and neighboring regions in the Balkans and Southeastern
Europe as and working to the maximum extent to achieve the main
strategic objective of the Southwestern University: SWU AS
requirements commensurate with academic institutions, Optimum
Combining research BASIC TRAINING ... "
The center is created in
partnership participation and support of the National
Archaeological Institute with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Sofia, Regional Ethnographic Museum Stoyu Shishkov - Plovdiv, the
People's astronomical observatory with planetarium "Yuri Gagarin" -
Stara Zagora.
The main objective of the Center is
to study ancient cultures in Europe, particularly in the Balkans
and the Eastern Mediterranean. As interdisciplinary Research Unit
Center apply methods and attracts experts from scientific fields
such as: cultural history, cultural studies, history, archaeology,
ethnology, linguistics, arhaeoastronomiy, geoarhaeologiy and other
sciences related to the study of ancient cultures and the
socialization of cultural and historical monuments. In their last
aspect Center has research and applications and functions in this
work to connect science with real business life.
Focus of research of the Center are
complex field expeditions
Develop its business center works
in cooperation and enter into partnerships with similar or close
research units in the country and abroad.
The center periodically organizes
international scientific symposium "Ancient easterly mediterranean
and European cultures. As participate in the European and world
leading scientists and young researchers - doctoral students and
students just beginning their research time.
Each edition of the Symposium
specify a field according to current issues in science. Center and
SWU "Neophit Rilski" are the main host of the Symposium. In the
interest of the partner organizations, it can be exported as a
single household and other scientific institutions in the country
and abroad.
The Center regularly publishes the
results of scientific research in its publication entitled "Year of
the Research Center for Ancient European and easterly mediterranean
cultures in SWU" Neophit Rilski "- Blagoevgrad"
The center combines research and
educational activities. He serves on the scientific basis for
practical training of graduate students and students interested in
research of ancient cultures through their inclusion in the actual
research focusing field trips. Thus students have the opportunity
to build a young research-workers and more scientists here on
student bench.
University Research Center for
Ancient European and easterly mediterranean cultures is accepted
experience and research results of workers from 2001 and is
currently National interdisciplinary research program "Thracian
sanctuaries in the Western Rhodopes, Rila and Pirin, jointly
organized by SWU" Neophit Rilski "- Blagoevgrad, National
Archaeological Institute with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Sofia, Regional Ethnographic Museum, Plovdiv and the People's
astronomical observatory "Yuri Gagarin" - Stara Zagora.