Megalithic Thracian Sanctuary
"Gradisteto" ("Pop rock Minchin") - Dolno Dryanovo, Gotse
Delchev Region
Significant discovery is definitely
rock sanctuary near Dolno Dryanovo and open rock arch, part of the
Thracian megalithic sanctuary Gradishte (Pop rock Minchin) (Markov,
V., Gotsev, Al., Yankov, A. Sacral space in Ancient Thrace.
Blagoevgrad: Neofit Rilski University Press, 2003, p. 55-70). On
issuing from the south a rocky cape, many groups are cut with a
round-shaped pits, whose diameter varies between 15 and 20
centimeters deep and between 10 and 15 cm scale is spangled with
fragmented pottery, dating mainly from before roman and Late
Arch rock - megalith is remarkable
in that it continues to be used until 2002 for traditional folk
ritual-magic act on the treatment of female infertility and other
diseases. Going through it early in the morning at sunrise,
"treated" leave your old clothes in or near the arch and the new
remains, ie acquires a new identity, "is born to new life. Leaving
coins in the gift of Health received on the south arch of stone.
There are raised and red threads with which a patient is measured.
Based on semantic analysis of the ritual is possible interpretation
of the healing ritual as a ritual artifact of immortalization in
Ancient Thrace performed by descent into the underworld (Markov, V.
Cultural heritage and succession. Heritage of ancient pagan sacred
places in Bulgarian folk culture. Blagoevgrad: Neofit Rilsky
University Press, 2007, p. 211-216).
Megalithic archway
Rock clearing
Imanyar invasion
Ancient ceramics